The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127044   Message #2831913
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
06-Feb-10 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: What glue can you use in a microwave?
Subject: RE: BS: What glue can you use in a microwave?
"The turn-table is totally unnecessary."

Sorry - but it depends on the design - you always (you cannot beat the physics just by wishing to!) get standing waves of energy in the box which mean high and low energy spots - you will then always need to turn and move the food around a bit to get even heating/cooking.

Some designs have a metal gadget (hidden inside) that rotates in the energy bean that deflects the energy around a bit - but generally, if the box came with a turntable, it was DESIGNED to need it. A few cheapies used come with no turntable...