The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2832039
Posted By: wysiwyg
07-Feb-10 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
A daily declut of the mind has been co-counseling sessions rather creatively managed, since trained co-counselors in this necka the woods are scare to nil, and this is not a good time to train one-- I used to teach the classes and it's fairly easily done.

I do have one "learner" started at the pool, which is a great place, for me, for sessions on one particular set of topics; outside of that narrow area I have to be creative. And I finally figgered out how to do THAT so it works in this normatively-isolated clergy lifestyle. It's been working very well for more than the last 30 days, so a new goal to track is the daily habit of 5-30 minutes of taking out THAT old trash.


Hardi will be away for several days, so there will be time and focus possible on some downstairs tasks.


Upstairs tasks also can probably proceed, during that time as well, if I can remember to ask him to carry up the card table he fixed, before he splits.


Last night before church the Band met, and did a HUGE declut of old songbook insertions, sorted old players' book to start giving a set to our newest member (and a big thanks to LF for taking on one of HIS old jobs-- she's a superb greeter even from a comfy chair and I'll move the set of people's books to her chair area-- no wait! We have a new sexton that can do that!!!)... The new Band member is a developmentally disabled, middle-aged adult. We had a SUPERB group conversaton about how that has notherng whatever to do with his Band role, becuase ALL people can play MUSIC, and about how important it is for us to be clear and vocal about that. He was a full and beaming participant in that conversation and well able to tend the boundaries of what he is willing to do with us.... he experiences us as a place to do more than "family" can relax about.


Last night I also declutted several lay ministries I've outgrown, by soliciting volunteers who WANT to do them-- BIG success there with a long-pending new item getting off the ground as well.


I declutted my personal life early this AM when I awoke too early-- a local gal who makes jewelry has agreed to tutor me. She started in email by asking me what I wanted to learn. I am a self-directed learner, lifeloing, but no one's ever asked me that-- everything else I have learned, I had to set up my own study plan. She took charge, so now I do not have to! Yay! I get to show up for LESSONS, and take home skills and ways to have FUN. She is also forming classes and groups, so I requested one with all-strangers so I can meet some NEW PEOPLE who live far outside the "ministry fishbowl" we clergy spouses talk about when we actually find 5 minutes at major events to connect. So this is a long-overdue action on a longstanding goal, YAY.


I declutted a clusterf*cked, proliferating personal conflict by consulting with a trusted Mudcatter privately who gave his usual brief and stellar advice that will work because he actually KNOWS ME. I referred the matters that are others' potential AFGOs to their supervisor. There is one person left in that group to whom I am contemplating a PM, as PMs with her have generally gone quite well IMO. There is a very funny personal story from HS that goes with this one.


Animaterra-- in the last week or two, I decluttered a church-related conflict similarly t the point just prev.. I headed another one off. I nudged another one toward health in the baby steps THAT one requires. I degoofed some boundary issues with one of the folks who is caught up in another one; this clusterf*ck includes the "consultant" they'd chosen (who'd promptly got himself stuck in it). I presided over another one's resolution. (These things do not take a lot of time when one holds the correct tool for the job.)


Oh and I figgered out why I was suddenly SO THIRST ydy and SO AWAKE on only 3 hours' sleep. I discovered how much "juice" is in hot chocolate, which I had WAY overindulged (sugar free). Since I had so much awake time on my hands, I simply put it to use and got caught up on a LOT of stuff hanging fire (another normative part of fishbowl life).
