The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127104   Message #2832090
Posted By: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River
07-Feb-10 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Gun-nut: Major Update...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Gun-nut: Major Update...
HEY! What the flip? Some flippin' moron has moved into the house acrost from me and Don's place and the guy is, like, a total idiot, eh? Cos of he has all these flippin' guns and shit like that, eh? Last night he was blastin' off rounds at somethin' in the backyard. Some kinda targets or somethin', and then he starts shootin' in the general direchshun of all the barking dogs in town. Don finally yells, "SHUT THE FLIP UP OVER THERE!!!" and what does the idiot do? He puts a flippin' round right through the little porch window that is over our front door.

Jeezuz FLIP! I don't flippin' beleeve this crap. We ain't never had no insane looser like this fliphead in Blind River before, eh? He CANNOT be Canadian!

Don says he is a flippin' Yank from down South somewhere's, like maybe Floribama. You can tell by the flippin' accent, eh? I say we should call the cops and have this flipper arrested. I would not mormally do that...but this is a flippin' extreme case of public dnager, eh?

Don says it ain't necessary to do that becoz he is goin' to sneak up on the prick when he ain't lookin' and rap a tire iron around his head, then take all his flippin' guns and dump 'em in the river, and then dump the fliphead in after 'em.

- Shane