The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127076   Message #2832135
Posted By: Rumncoke
07-Feb-10 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blizzard coming to DC area?
Subject: RE: BS: Blizzard coming to DC area?
OOOOHHHH - THAT Washington -

It is just weather, of course, nothing to do with climate change.

Remember that the Canadians are sweating for snow for their Winter Olympics - they brought tons in by road and it melted in the rain. Poor things.

Maybe the US could save the day(s) with refridgerated trucks and trains to store and move snow in for the main events. Always assuming anything is moving at all.

We never got more than a sprinkling of snow when the rest of the UK was snowed under for days, so it is really the luck of the draw - though sometimes I think that the weather can have a wicked sense of humour.

Anne Croucher