The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127115   Message #2832487
Posted By: VirginiaTam
07-Feb-10 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Comforting those w/ aches & pains
Subject: RE: BS: Comforting those w/ aches & pains
snork.... Jacqui so sorry.. but I hope they weren't your favourite sheets.

Maggie... the worrying thing is that he is going off to college soon and won't be eating right and will be under stress. Sneaking roughage into his food now, is not going to teach him how to take care of his body.

Stress is bad. Need to get this boy munching on things like shredded wheat. The real stuff not the sugar coated mini stuff. And he needs to drink loads of water. Not sugary drinks, even sports drinks. Take it easy on dairy too.

Guess what the best treatment is for sore bits after bad diarrhoea? To sooth and reduce swelling and inflammation........

frozen tea bags..... I kid you not!