The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2832566
Posted By: AllisonA(Animaterra)
07-Feb-10 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
WYS:The caution-point now is to go toward the fun
My late mother-in-law, who I am sad never to have met, was by all accounts a very wise woman (Sometimes I think that, even on "the other side" she hand-picked me (with help from my late SO) to be able to cherish and appreciate her multi-faceted Aspergery son). One of her wise sayings, closing phone conversations and the like was: "Oh, and don't forget to have fun!" She said that if you weren't having fun, you did yourself and those around you a great disservice!

Lovely LilyF, from church and the comfy chair (why does Monty Python and the Spanish Inquisition pop into my mind just now?!), to groceries and laundry and more comfy chair- good for you! I was briefly at a contra dance today where a stunningly beautiful woman with a lovely scarf wound around her head was dancing every other dance, stopping and resting when needed, tenderly treated by her partners and others- she was clearly taking steps to have fun and enjoy life despite the big setback she was also dealing with.

VTam and Stilly, not much to say but: yay!

We had a committee meeting at the house this morning and you know what that means: yes! The floor is clean, the surfaces are clean, the furniture is free of books and instruments and debris, and for a few days I will enjoy a relatively clutter-free environment! AND DH wants to invite some friends for dinner later in the week, so it may last awhile! AND our hired hand arrives at 8:30 tmw am so the upstairs work will continue!
See? Having fun!

Meanwhile I finishd the "Afghans for Afghans" sweater and will start a simple neck-warmer for self until I can get to my local yarn store to stock up on some sweet, soft, lovely yarn for another little project I have in mind...