The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127023   Message #2833219
Posted By: paula t
08-Feb-10 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Change of View
Subject: RE: BS: A Change of View
Hi Emma B,

"While guidance by the Department for Children, Schools and Families lists the types of force teachers can use on children The Association of Teachers and Lecturers survey found that that new teachers are not clear on how to interpret it when faced with difficult situations when violence erupts speedily between pupils, what sort of steps they can take to try to stop the situation from escalating if they have to physically intervene, and how in fact they do that. "

Yes, that's the problem. A teacher can be faced with having to make a decision quickly, at the time, and then have their actions dissected by the courts in the calm cold light of day. A tricky and dangerous situation to be in. All we can do is our best.