The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127104   Message #2834053
Posted By: Bobert
09-Feb-10 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Gun-nut: Major Update...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Gun-nut: Major Update...
Well, yeah, Rap... Yer right... Better find a good place for the powder... Nuthin' worse than gettin bit by a pig...

Reminds me of goin' out to Mr. Athey's Hog Farm... Mr. Athey asked if I wanted to the "Big Boy" and I said "yeah"... So we walked out to hog field but before opening the gate Mr. Athey walked into his barn, strapped on a leather holster with a 9 mm in it and grabbed a 4 foot long 2X4 with a carved handle... Hmmmmmm??? "That be okay, Mr. Athey", I said, "I really don't need to see Big Boy all that bad..."
