The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127023   Message #2834221
Posted By: Mrs.Duck
09-Feb-10 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Change of View
Subject: RE: BS: A Change of View
Sorry but I work in a special school. All the children have special educational needs due to their learning difficulties - some moderate and some severe. It is not just a question of learning differences, as different types of learner (kinaesthetic, visual, aural etc) are usually well catered for in mainstream schools. These kids find it 'difficult' to learn - period. They do not retain or process information fully enough to make much progress and require specialised differentiation and a lot of over learning. If you deny that they have a problem you deny their need for help. We want these children to grow up having the chance to live independently, be safe and healthy, have the prospect of economic stability and an income, have the opportunity to contribute to the society in which they live and be part of it.
Special educational needs does also include the gifted and talented and certainly in all the schools I have worked in these children are identified and help given to fulfil their needs. My own children are all on the gifted and talented lists in their respective schools and have had the chance to attend special events aimed at bringing together those who excel in maths, science, literacy, sports and music. Other children have been selected for similar things related to art or technology.