The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127023   Message #2834402
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
09-Feb-10 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Change of View
Subject: RE: BS: A Change of View
Does it ever occur to you, Mrs. D, that perhaps your view of some of the children you help is perhaps wrong?

They may simply choose not to retain or process the information you wish them to, because they are either not ready or because they simply don't want to.

If you read 'Look me in the Eye', as I stated in the autism thread, you'll find that John didn't want to listen or learn in the same way that others did. Yes, he did eventually cotton on, but not until he was really ready to.   It didn't stop him from having a highly successful career working for Pink Floyd and KISS, as their special effects man, who had amazing skills that stunned many of the other guys in the entourage...but as a child he was all but written off educationally.

Many people learn 'differently'....that is all, but it does not make them lesser people..