The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63069   Message #2834431
Posted By: Peace
09-Feb-10 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/ADD: It's a Beautiful Day (C O'Hegarty)
Subject: Lyr Add: IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY (Charles O'Hegarty)
Charles O'Hegarty

There's all sorts of people who people this earth.
Some people judge people by what they are worth.
Some people hate people and that's really the worst,
for we're really not so different as we might seem at first.

But there's one thing in common and I really must say,
We're all happy when the sun shines and it's a beautiful day.
and there's one thing in common and I really must say,
We're all happy when the sun shines and it's a beautiful day.

There's dog walkers, feet? talkers, gold buyers and old flyers
ice sellers, and nice fellers?,
tug boaters, smug? bolters?,
roast? chanters?, ? chanters?
city slickers and guitar pickers
dizzy worriers and busy furriers
and men who hang around all day long and don't do much all

There's faith healers and safe stealers, bar tenders and car benders
pawn brokers and pot smokers, red haters and head waiters
beer drinkers and clear thinkers
?? and lowly rollers
rock and rollers and save your soulers
and men who stuff hard boiled eggs into their mouths to get their name in the guiness book or records

now there's straw? linters?, shaw? shooters,
patent? twirlers?, batten? furlers?,
moneylenders and funny spenders,
??ing meters and pigeon feeders,
pop singers and club singers, vandalizers, scanalizers,
aristotleists and whiskey bottleists,
and men who try to play the squeezebox with strange sounding songs on this tape
