The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127198   Message #2835148
Posted By: JohnInKansas
10-Feb-10 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: I Loves All the Mudwomenz!!!
Subject: RE: BS: I Loves All the Mudwomenz!!!
Or you could go shovel the last two snow falls off of the roof

If you've got an access hole to your attic(s) just open up the hole and crank up the furnace.

If you've got normal kinds of insulation, the snow on the roof should melt fairly rapidly, to run down and make ice dams in all the gutters. This may rip all the gutters off (possible taking some bits of roof along) but at least the big pieces won't squash you.

Of course, if you've got a flat roof you may need to poke a small hole in the ceiling to let the melt water drain off.

(I'm a bit surprised that you haven't already received a number of other crackpot ideas suggestions for creating mayhem and destruction.)
