The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2835553
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-Feb-10 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: Healthy NonReactive&Non-Co=Dependent Kindness
Our dear yoot seldom appreciate all things at the time they occur. No sense trying to pre-judge our own course of action based on fearing how a person "may" react. What needs to be done-- needs to be DONE.

THEN you try to do it the best way you know how, and give yerself credit for caring enough to do it AND for trying to do it as "well" as you possibly can.

This whole culture IMO is far too reactive (and not values-driven enough by ANY positive values) for its own good. For its own species survival, I mean, in the most practical terms one could imagine. It's also a co-dependent culture, in many ways. It's not "kindness" to act in fear-- it's fear. It's not high moral values-- when it's fear.

Kindness can look very different from soft, squishy, over-protective fear. Every kid who was stopped from playing for an unreasonable reason knows the difference between protection and fear-- you can't fool them on THAT one for very long.

Each human bean has to live in that reactivity. What is up to us is HOW we live in it.
