The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2835754
Posted By: Sawzaw
11-Feb-10 - 12:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Mr Amos: Changes in attitude toward something is not a concrete accomplishment unless brings about something concrete.

If this, It would have been. All excuses for did not get the job done. Almost only counts in Horseshoes and hand grenades.

You can use all the pseudo intellectual words you want and make all the ad hominem logical fallacies you want but you cant come up with anything tangible.

There was no financial collapse handed to Obama or anybody. You rhetorically use the word collapse.

There was a financial crisis and a near collapse taken care of before Obama took office. Loans were given to banks to be repaid with interest but the repayments are being squandered by the Obama administration rather than being put back in the treasury thereby jacking up the deficit attributed to the previous administration.

It's getting close.