The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127154   Message #2836145
Posted By: Fred McCormick
11-Feb-10 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: Anti-Heroines in Traditional Song?
Subject: RE: Anti-Heroines in Traditional Song?
Dunno whether anyone's mentioned it, but Lady Isobel of Child 4 fame seems to me to be the perfect anti-heroine. First of all, she elopes with the elf knight, stealing her parents gold and money and two fine horses in the process. Then, when she discovers his real motives, she sweet talks him into turning his back while she strips naked, or else to bend perilously close to the water while he cuts the thistles so that they won't cut her lily white skin. Either way, she then pushes him in, tells him to get lost when he cries for help, rides home, returns the horses and the money, sweet talks the parrot into -covering for her, and climbs into bed as though nothing had happened.