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Thread #126915   Message #2836559
Posted By: Bobert
11-Feb-10 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blair at the Chilcot Inquiry
Subject: RE: BS: Blair at the Chilcot Inquiry
Pee in the cup, T...

You are so prejudiced (not biased) that you can't even see that just about everything that you said you predicted actually didn't come to pass...

The war in Baghdad hasn't ended yet...

The US military is still fighting and dieing in Iraq... BTW, T, That's why they call it "war"...

The 2000 elections are something that you brought up in yer usual confrontational/argumentative so it was fair game for me to answer that... I mean, why else di you bring it up???

On Turkey, you were correct but I never took an advesarial position on that anyway... Who cares' you were due to be right once in a hundred... Good job, T...

The Iraq army did fight... Gorella style... Many of them still at it...

The book is still out on the Ba-athists... Right now the US is payin' them to not shoot at US... Same on the "Civil war"... When the US leaves (or sets up a miliatry base somewhere away population centers) then we'll see... I still say that there a shit load of bad things yet to happen in Iraq when either of those scenerios comes to pass...

The only reason that the US oil companies didn't glam onto the oil is because the war has gone very, very badly for the US and UK in terms of international reputation... That's a no-brainer.... You don't get credit for that because it happened for resaons other than the above things that you have claimed that are false claims...

What next... Oh yeah... TERIBUS BULLSHIT!!!

Regime change didn't have to involve killing upwards of a million civilains, T... That was a purdy dumb idea...

Lastly we get around to Blix... What is it that you still can't comprehend about the terms "Most important" and "cooperation" both, BTW which are conatined in the same sentence??? Those words to hard for you... Maybe Blix should have given another speech written in crayons using only one syable words???

Did I miss anything???

Don't think so...

Congrates on getting the Turks thing right... Really has nothin' to do with the big picture but at least you did get 1 point... Beats gettin' skunked...
