The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127104   Message #2836646
Posted By: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River
11-Feb-10 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Gun-nut: Major Update...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Gun-nut: Major Update...
That is not a bad flippin' idea, crazy little woman. Most of that music would flippin' drive away almost anyone, eh? But specially this flippin' idiot with all the guns! Don and me would hafta go somewheres else while the music is playin' cos it would drive us totally nuts!

I gotta nuther idea too. What if we was to put on classical flippin' music, but REAL LOUD!!!!!!! Holy flip, would that ever be flippin' AWFUL! I bet not only the gun nut looser would leave, but so would everyone on the hole flippin' street. People around here HATE that classical Bait-Hoven, Moatsart, Shoe Bert, and all them other flipheads from back in, like, whenever it was...the 1500s? Whatever.

I am gonna see if we can get some at the Liberry.

- Shane

p.s. Today the idiot was blastin' away at somethin' in his basement for hours. We could hear it plain as day. I think he is busy preparin' for World War 3 or somethin'.