The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127287   Message #2837254
Posted By: SINSULL
12-Feb-10 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern pre-Valentine Bash
Subject: BS: Mudcat Tavern pre-Valentine Bash
Amazing! The place is reasonably clean. Seems the squid was preparing his Love Nest for Liz. Wonder why he hasn't brought Ratched ba...uh oh. Guess she wasn't into beastiality after all.

But as long as the squid is chained to the wall, we can dress him up as St. Valentine and let Rapaire practice shooting arrows at him. Of course, he'll have to be in a Cupid costume.

OK red table cloths out. Red Jell-O setting in the pit. Cranberry punch spiked with gin, vermouth, vodka, and aqavit at the ready.

Hearts of palm salad done!

Better check the Ladies and the larder. The delivery is late...I think the red toilet paper is a nice touch. No one stuck in the stall - good! Lace doilies on the seats - very nice.

Kitchen - I will have to leave this for later. MMario will be by to set up the bar-b-que.
Nice selection of chocolates, truffles, nougats,and candy hearts with little love notes printed on them. "Eat me"?????