The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127292   Message #2837913
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
13-Feb-10 - 04:07 AM
Thread Name: Do We Think We're Better Than Them?
Subject: RE: Do We Think We're Better Than Them?
...the lore and tales of specific communities. It was well-established and widely in use by the time Sharp 'was on the rampage', and is inseparable from the lore, tales, customs, belief etc of the communities that created them.

And in this way, boys and girls, is ALL music Folk Music, and ALL music is Traditional Music because ALL music is defined by the Traditions of Specific Communities and remains inseparable from their lore, tales, customs, beliefs etc. Traddies (& Folkies) miss the point by focussing on songs rather than idioms; the point being that all music - any place, any time, any genre - is subject to the same processes that Traddies (& Folkies) call The Folk Process. All music is the collective consequence of human creativity & community; it's what people do, what people have always done. Plus ca change! Otherwise, I'm with Lizzy n this one.