The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2837990
Posted By: LilyFestre
13-Feb-10 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
I went to yoga last night!!!

Even better? I DID YOGA LAST NIGHT!!!!!! YAY!!!

I emailed my teacher ahead of time that I would be going and asked (since this was a drop in class...Happy Hour Yoga) if we would be doing any gentle yoga. She wrote back saying that she'd incorporate anything into the class that I thought might feel good. I sent her a list! *G*

I did maybe 3/4 of the class. Bending for standing forward folds is still out, as are any belly down positions, twists and sun salutations. She did a great job stretching our legs and backs. I did what I could comfortably do (still managed to break a sweat..YAY!!!..that's SO good for me!) and when I tried things that created the sensation of pulling, I stopped. No one said a word, but then again, the idea of yoga is to do what YOU can do...NOT to keep up with everyone in the room!'s hard to make myself stop because I had such a STRONG yoga practice. For now, I'm listening to my body and it was FANTASTIC. I was a bit sore last night, but relaxed when I got home and I was able to sleep. I am not a bit sore this morning. :)

I did dishes yesterday for the first time in a month (DH has been doing them) because bending for the dishwasher hurts and my belly sometimes presses on the sink and that bothers my incision. He was happy to come home and not have dishes to do and quite frankly, I was happy to do them!!!!

Meds have all been packaged up for the week so I don't have to open 11 bottles each morning and night. My kitchen table is a mess again but it's because I'm working here.....will be emptied later...or not. ;) I don't care either way.

I'm surrounded by sleeping dogs and a cat who is farting. How nice is that? EW! LOL

Love to all,
