The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127287   Message #2838235
Posted By: Severn
13-Feb-10 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern pre-Valentine Bash
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern pre-Valentine Bash
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! I feel a lot better now after a relaxing rest in the pit just like you folks told me I would. Gelatin On The Skeleton! Hooda thunket?

And warm towels! Becky, you're an angel!

I came out of the Burn Ward in a bit of a funk and actually wrote myself farther into it. Depressed and nasty is not a good place to be. Crabbyness does not become me, so, sorry folks!

I'll sit back and absorb all the peace and love vibes from all around me and be gellin' after I rinse off the gelatin. Be back in about a shower!.......

Just don't cause harm to my animal runnin' buddies....