The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127268   Message #2838669
Posted By: FolkGiant
14-Feb-10 - 12:59 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat: is this a blues forum?
Subject: RE: Mudcat: is this a blues forum?
I play blues, both acoustically and electrically, on the guitar and harmonica.

It was the Yardbirds for me... I was a big Beatles/Dylan fan and was getting into the Delta blues a little when I read stories of a certain, um, Clayton... Clifton... no, that's not it... British kid, played guitar in the Yardbirds and in the Bluesbreakers. Oh, well, whatever.

"From The Cradle" is a smoking blues album by anyone, let alone a so-called "white boy", which is the only insult I can think of for a blues player that might be worse than "foreigner".

Yes, Mudcat is a blues forum as much as it is any other kind. The key to getting on well here, from what I gather, is communication, sharing and the pursuit of support and mutual appreciation.