The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2838852
Posted By: LilyFestre
14-Feb-10 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: BS: LilyFestre -UPDATE - she's back in motion!
Having myself a mango smoothie for breakfast with the whey powder. It's not bad, not bad at all. :) Next time though, I need more mango!

As it turns out, we are supposed to get quite a bit of snow on Monday night. My first chemo appointment is early on Tuesday morning and the place is about 2 hours away. So...they have this place near the treatment center called The Care House. It's like the Ronald McDonald House but for adults who are undergoing cancer treatment. I called this morning to make reservations for Monday and Tuesday (as I'd like to be nearby for the first treatment in case I have any adverse reactions). First the hospital has to call The Care House to confirm that I am a patient. So now, I'm just waiting to hear if they have room. Bonus? It's only $15.00 a night. We have to make our own beds and change the linens when we leave. Big deal. There are no TVs in the rooms but there is a community room with a television if we want to watch tv. If not, we can read, or cook in the community kitchen. Anyway, I'm hoping it goes through so we don't have to drive these mountains in a snow storm.
