The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2838870
Posted By: wysiwyg
14-Feb-10 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: BS: LilyFestre -UPDATE - she's back in motion!

When the CS and I plan these longer trips, we find Weather Underground (wunderground) invaluable. It has settings on the page where you can save your fav. cities to quickly see what weather they are having.

Thanks for showing me Jacqui's knitted caps last night. For a long time our dear Maeve was my best "window in" on the Mainers; the color variety/color/care taken/textures of the caps-- and especially the hatbox Jacqui had sent them all in-- was just as powerful. I knew that lady was special, of course-- but the abstract idea is seldom as powerful as the show and tell. So I thank you for sharing not only the gift from YOUR view, but for enlarging mine in a way that may benefit others as well (tho I am sure you didn't know that).

About the distances hereabouts, and the conversation last night about hats and books that "call" to me sometimes-- We sometimes pick up faraway items for others, and how we reduce the "clutter" about that is to call folks up while looking at items, to see if they are wanted. Is that something that would work for you? I think Hardi has your cell (maybe under Bonnie's name, LOL) on HIS cell and he usually carries it even on his day off (and I sometimes use it to field church stuff ON his day off sometimes so he GETS a real day off.)

About the word picture-- the photog. I'm looking fwd to you modeling your new look. ROLE modeling is what I was trying to suggest, because I think you will be equally gorgeous and graceful. People will see you and think, "Oh, that looks like a yoga person." (I know I will.)

Re: svc recordings. I found a spare cord finally, and that means I can slice up one we have that doesn't poke deep enough into the slot. If we can modify it-- and BTW I have a drawerful that need the mod-- I'll have a cord for you. In the meantime pls do not waste your $$ on one, because chances are it will not fit.

Go get 'em girl. And..... ya might wanna BOLO for the people that will be looking to you as their leader/mentor/comforter/ROLE MODEL..... :~) That teaching cert may kick in at any moment. :~)
