The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127208   Message #2838921
Posted By: Teribus
14-Feb-10 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Torture in a civilised world
Subject: RE: BS: Torture in a civilised world
The conflict will continue for generations Riginslinger for as long as a bunch of idiots.

1. Seek to impose not only their religion, but their particular version and systems of belief associated with that religion on the rest of the world;

2. Regard all others as infidels, kaffirs and non-believers and believe that they are perfectly at liberty and fully justified in killing everyone of them man, woman and child.

Seems odd that those rushing to defend these clowns gather together talking on what is supposed to be a music site - That would go to the wall for a start wouldn't it if the Taliban had their say.

So far as can be seen both sides have used torture and one side has a very good track record of ritualistic slaughter of those who fall into its hands. But all of that Riginslinger is just a side show and a complete irrelevance.