The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127208   Message #2838925
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
14-Feb-10 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Torture in a civilised world
Subject: RE: BS: Torture in a civilised world
""1. Seek to impose not only their religion, but their particular version and systems of belief associated with that religion on the rest of the world;

2. Regard all others as infidels, kaffirs and non-believers and believe that they are perfectly at liberty and fully justified in killing everyone of them man, woman and child.

Yeah, T.

It's a bugger innit, trying to find a way to make them sound worse than the Crusades, the Spanish inquisition, the conquistadores, and the Phelps family?

So you fall back on the good old Hitlerian ploy of tarring all of them with the fundamentalist brush, and ignoring the fact that a small minority of extremists are the problem,.......ON BOTH SIDES!

You are a very sick individual.

Don T