The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121025   Message #2839092
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
14-Feb-10 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: In Praise of Traddies!
Subject: RE: In Praise of Traddies!
Oh poo, Richard...don't be so silly. Are you 'cogitating' right now? Can't you be arrested for doing that on a public forum?   ;0)

Oh yes, Michael, please don't come outside the 'who for the most part' bit...because I do recognise that there are some bloody decent people 'out there'...but there are some right pains in the whatsit too, and they've been a pain in my whatsit to the point where I can't really listen to traddie music any more without hearing their whingeing, whining voices, going on and on and on...

Barry Lister (a traddie) had me in absolute fits of giggles when I met him at Sidmouth a few times..and he's the most lovely voice, sings the songs with a real 'actor's feel', which you have to have to bring them alive.

But let's be honest, there are some bloody awful songs out there...what's that one that Martin Carthy sings? 'The Famous Flowering Thingyummyjigs' one, you know the title, it's left my brain cell for the moment, but it goes on for about 3 hours....Oh cripes!!!
Noooooooo!   Sorry, digressed into the music, rather than the people...

Yes, there are some lovely folks out there, but my goodness, WHAT did the world of tradition do to get the other ones??? It must have been awfulll bad!

Have you finished yet, Richard? Can I open my eyes now? :0)