The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127208   Message #2839128
Posted By: Teribus
14-Feb-10 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Torture in a civilised world
Subject: RE: BS: Torture in a civilised world
It's a bugger innit, trying to find a way to make them sound worse than the Crusades, the Spanish inquisition, the conquistadores, and the Phelps family?

trying to find a way to make them sound worse than

What on earth are you talking about??

Are we ever likely to embark on a "Crusade" of over 800 years ago. No of course we are not so what is the relevance? None at all. Oh by the way in the current stramash it was your good friend OBL or his second-in-command who first mentioned the word "Crusade" in the mid 1990's.

The Spanish Inquisition?? Well you have moved forwards about 500 years in time but equally as irrelevant and you bloody well know it. Were Al-Qaeda and Wahabbist Islam were to behave as introvertedly as the Spanish Inquisition the world would be in a damn sight better shape than it is today. When you come out with crap like this at times I wonder if you really know what you are talking about.

The Conquistadores?? the English learned their lessons on how not to behave from the Conquistadores over 400 years ago. Good God Don T have you ever read, or studied ANY HISTORY????

So I am:

ignoring the fact that a small minority of extremists are the problem,.......ON BOTH SIDES!

Bollocks mate, you tell me where and when Christians, Hindus, Shikhs, Bhuddists or whatever other religion on this earth hijacked and crashed aeroplanes into buildings.

You tell me which religions on this earth declare that anyone who does not follow their faith can be slaughtered.

You state that in your opinion that I am:

"a very sick individual

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion

You on the other hand are a complete and utter Fucking Idiot and when terror does come knocking at your door and you personally have felt the pain and loss occaisioned by their intolerance. Whatever you do DON T please do not broadcast on any forum that I might read your pain and anguish, because if you do I will laugh in your face and tell you in no uncertain terms that you have reaped what you have sown by ignoring every warning that you and yours were given. Bloody well live with it and be thankful.

Now tell me what I have written and what you have quoted is not true:

"1. Seek to impose not only their religion, but their particular version and systems of belief associated with that religion on the rest of the world;

2. Regard all others as infidels, kaffirs and non-believers and believe that they are perfectly at liberty and fully justified in killing everyone of them man, woman and child."

Come on Don T tell where they have written or decreed that what I have written above is NOT THEIR STATED AIM.