The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127287   Message #2839453
Posted By: Severn
14-Feb-10 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Tavern pre-Valentine Bash
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Tavern pre-Valentine Bash
We quieted down and suspended the subplots so that people could relax in peace and quiet. It was incredibly quiet. No posts from 8:30am to 5pm. I guess it's impolite to talk with another mouth in your mouth. It's not much of a spectator sport and I figured I was backing the wrong holiday.

Then I remembered that it was Chinese New Year, and I could go participate in that one with a lot more feedback. Chicken w/ Basil & Ginger Hot Pot from Sechuan Pavillion---THAT'S the ticket!

"When the egg roll's called up yonder, I'll be there......"

I suppose everybody was too busy to notice me gone anyway.

:-) A wise man knows everything
A shrewd one, everybody :-)

That's my fortune, and I'll be leaving it to one of you lucky catters in my will....

Daily Numbers 6 9 0    Lotto Six #'s 66 35 6 2 32 49

If one of you gets lucky with those, remember me in YOUR will....

WAIT! What's in this box on my chair?---A Valentine-shaped red goose feather pillow with a note that says "Here's rest for the downhearted". No signature, though.

But I always love a mystery, even if it's all I've been left to love. (Sigh!).......