The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24663   Message #283974
Posted By: Big Mick
24-Aug-00 - 10:13 AM
Thread Name: Can we have some Mudcat accounts?
Subject: RE: Can we have some Mudcat accounts?
Well John, you are mistaken. This cretin confirmed what I said. She is trying to create an issue. And s/he appropriated my identity to do it. I did not apologize as I did not say anything that required that. I am not afraid to apologize as a search on my postings will demonstrate. But this is one of these subspecies that commits one of what I consider to be unpardonable sins. They not only hide behind the GUEST identity, but they use others identities. There can be only one reason they do this. And it has to do with their intent. They are cowardly, lack character and honor, and think it is OK to try and achieve their ends through whatever means. Why? Who knows, maybe unresolved Oedipal issues. That is for other, more learned individuals to resolve.

But to bring this back around to where it started. As I stated before, I understand the original comment and question. I just don't happen to feel it is necessary. One day formal fundraising may be required. Then things will change. But as slick as this place is, it is still Max's hobby, with a secondary function that it provides him with a place to experiment with things that he can use at Onstage Media. That is probably how he justifies it.

And while I understand the question, I think I must also point out that I think I understand your motive. If you had just asked the question, I would have believed you to just be a person with an opinion. And as such I would have treated you differently. But the way you reacted so quickly and started attacking so fast leads me to believe that you intended to create an issue as part of an ongoing attempt to attack Max and recreate the Mudcat as you would like it to be.

If you would care to discuss this and convince me otherwise, why don't you send me a PM? I assure you that I will not share your identity as I consider that to be the other unpardonable sin. When two parties share PERSONAL MESSAGES, they are just that. Personal. To me, posting the contents of personal messages without the permission of the posters.........Or appropriating the identity of another should be cause for banishment. And if Max doesn't agree, that is his prerogative. But I will attack you for violating either of these rules.
