The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127292   Message #2840104
Posted By: Goose Gander
15-Feb-10 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: Do We Think We're Better Than Them?
Subject: RE: Do We Think We're Better Than Them?
"The Oral Tradition is the consequence of very wishful folkloric thinking that has so effectively removed individual creativity from the equation and views working-class humanity as a collective mass of instinctive, unthinking, ill-educated primitives."

"Once more, I fear, were back to the gulf of class-condescension which has so effectively denied the individual mastery of the working classes, seeing them as passive carriers and random generators of material rather than the specific creators of it."

I realize it's probably a waste of time to even ask, but can you provide any documentation for these sweeping generalizations? Because I know you didn't get this from anyone who posts on this site, nor can these silly ideas be found in the work of folklorists such as D.K. Wilgus, Archie Green, Norm Cohen, Mark Wilson (to name but a few), nor from musicians who themselves were collectors such as Bascom Lamar Lunsford or Max Hunter. If you did bother to cite sources, you would have to go back a century or more to find examples of the 'folklore as product of dancing, amorphous horde' school of thought that you presumably believe is the current state of the field.