The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127347   Message #2840250
Posted By: Anne Lister
15-Feb-10 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Calypso Singer Cy Grant (Feb 2010)
Subject: RE: Obit: Calypso Singer Cy Grant (Feb 2010)
Cy was an amazing person. He was in the RAF (again, one of the few black faces, I suspect), and then trained as a barrister (ditto). He then became an actor and sang the calypsos ... went briefly back to the Bar and then back into acting and entertainment. Did a hell of a lot for black performers, one way and another.
I remember an early professional gig in Barry, where Cy was the main attraction and I was "support". It was a cold winter night in a draughty church hall, and the handful of audience that turned up sat huddled in their overcoats. Cy, on the other hand, was wearing a satin shirt open to the waist (and medallions) and didn't compromise at all on his performance given how few people were there.
I hope he was paid his full fee - I know I wasn't!
I wish I'd known then as much as I know now about the remarkable man he was, and I wish I'd spent more time talking with him instead of being so nervous ...what a man.
