The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127384   Message #2840464
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
15-Feb-10 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Some rape victims should take blame'- ??
Subject: RE: BS: Some rape victims should take blame
"Wasn't it Lizzie who said in a post a long time ago "It costs me a lot of money to look this cheap"?"

Come on, Richard...that was in response to the Facebook BNP person who went on about my hair, make-up etc..and it was a humourous response to a pretty nasty tirade, as WELL you know, you rascal! :0)

"lizzie i am appalled at your reason and logic. how can you be all about freedoms and rights, when the most basic right to respect, you say is tosh?"

Respect yourself first. I am fair fed up with women going around half naked, crude behaviour abounding, drinking themselves under the table and who feel it is there RIGHT to behave however they want. It is not.

If you READ my posts, jade, you'll see that I said there is no excuse for rape, but for any woman to actively put herself into that position is madness.

If you choose to dress like a whore, then you'll be viewed as one. You may not like to hear that, but I'm afraid it's true.

This whole change in women's attitudes and 'rights' came about with the dreaded Girl Power, from which women drew the attitude that they have any right in the world and men have none. It's shit, basically.

My generation was never brought up with that viewpoint..and we knew to look after ourselves, not behave in a sluttish way, not jump into bed with any Tom, Dick or Harry on a first or second date...not to dress like hookers..and not to land up on the pavement unable to get up because of being totally pissed out of our brains.

No, it is no excuse for women to be raped, there is no excuse, but for Gawd's sake girls, get a grip on reality! Stop behaving like spoilt, out of control brats, stick your boobs back inside your tops, wear jeans that actually cover your bums, throw the thongs out the window and start behaving in a far more responsible way.

Yes, you can still get raped by men, but your chances of it are reduced hugely if you ain't out there in 'Hookers R Us' clothes.

Women have rights, but they also have responsibilites, as do men...and it's way past time to put away the Girl Power and start using the Grown Up, Responsible Woman Power instead, that sends the right message out to the right men, instead of the wrong message to the wrong men.

Rapists are in the minority within the male population, and as I stated above, most men would make sure that any man they caught raping a woman would never be able to do that again, because they're decent human beings.