The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127384   Message #2840867
Posted By: MGM·Lion
16-Feb-10 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Some rape victims should take blame'- ??
Subject: RE: BS: Some rape victims should take blame
No, Ruth ~ & that, unlike DeG's, is a reasonable point. I didn't say his putative robbery with violence would be justified: just that his scenario was counter-productively unconvincing & ill-conceived.

In yours, mind you, tho I wouldn't be justified in assaulting, twocking, &c ~ nevertheless I would be thoroughly justified in accusing them of filthy manners. The young woman in the t-shirt deserved a spanking [or at least a virtual one: to judge by the fact that she had chosen to wear the stupid thing, she would probably have welcomed a real one!] for that, it seems to me.