The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127384   Message #2840930
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish
16-Feb-10 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Some rape victims should take blame'- ??
Subject: RE: BS: Some rape victims should take blame
"Well, many people might wonder why you wear face glitter and all that eyeliner and twirl around suggestively in front of bands when everyone else is sitting down and watching a concert, but is it their place to judge you?"

Blimey, I had no idea I twirled around,let alone suggestively! LOL

And you have this evidence from where, exactly? I'm only askin' 'cos apart from being dragged to the mosh pit in an Oysterband gig, by their lovely fans, I've never stood in front of any band and twirled, much less 'suggestively'. I mean, corks, have you SEEN my figure?! Since when was Pooh Bear 'suggestive' ? ;0)   Get a life, Joan and stop spouting outright lies, there's a good girl. Thanks.

Oh heck, so much hurt and hatred in this thread...and apparently I'm responsible for it all. Sorry, I don't accept that responsibility because over and again I've stated that rape is wrong, inexcusable.

However...and the women won't like this one, but I'm sorry, someone has to say it...However, if you are, as jade suggested, naked on the street, almost calling out for sex, and then you change your mind when some man steps forward to oblige, well, you don't have my sympathy I'm afraid, because you're a fool to put yourself into the position in the first place, let alone a selfish prat to put a man into that position.

But before I go, just tell me this. Do men have *any* rights? I hear, all the time, how women MUST be allowed to do whatever they want, dress however they want, behave however they want...but what I don't hear is how that behaviour affects men.

Has the world become ONLY about Women's Rights?

I am NOT talking about women, who, through absolutely no fault of their own, were raped. Nor am I talking about children, for heaven's sake...and for anyone to think that I would condone either of those situations being correct from the rapist's point of view fills me with revulsion and disbelief.

But in talking about the female population, in particular the younger generations (from 40 downwards) I feel they've become incredibly selfish and filled with their own self importance.

It is WRONG to lead men on. It always has been. And if, because you have chosen to do that, you get something happening to you that you never wanted, then you should be grown up enough to recognise that if you blatantly give out the message that you want sex (what happened to Love?) then change your mind at the last moment, you are putting yourself in a very stupid, and sometimes dangerous situation.

Yes, the man makes the final decision as to what happens there, if he dares to cross that line, but the fact is, that line should not have been laid down in the first place if you did not want it to go further.

Maybe some women need to stop and think far more deeply and remember that this world is filled with men too, who also have rights and one of those rights is that they too should be treated with respect and honesty.

The onus should be as much on the woman and *her* behaviour as it is on the man and his.