The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2841019
Posted By: beardedbruce
16-Feb-10 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming

"I am skeptical that mankind can reverse whatever global warming there is. Even if it could be reversed, we are doomed anyway because the problem is more and more people using more and more energy which is creating more and more heat, regardless of the efficiency and cleanliness of the energy source. The world is going to heat up anyway due to heat pollution. Energy=heat."

ABSOLUTELY! which, upon consideration, reflects upon
"I am all for solar, wing, hydro, nuclear energy, anything that does not pollute."

There is NO source of energy that does not ( eventually) end in heat pollution. See the laws of thermodynamics.

"There are actually people trying to figure out how to make a giant solar shade in space to shield us from the Sun. Who is going to have control over that?"

The question that the proponants do not want you to consider- after all, if I control that, are you going to argue with me about what I want to do ( at the risk of having sunlight cut off from your country) ?

There may well be climactic shifts in progress- but the present bunch of Goreistas is NOT looking at solving any problem, just gaining control and ( political) power.