The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2841475
Posted By: wysiwyg
16-Feb-10 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: PY: The View from the Scooter
I like this:

Susan, that chair sounds almost dangerous! Pix?

VTam, I feel for you. I remember work situations similar to yours. Hang in there, sweetie!

SRS, I'm just avoiding paperwork. I know where that leads in the end, but I have to get myself psyched for it. You ARE an inspiration, you know!

Michelle, you are, too. Love you, lady!

SINS, are you getting snow to cover those bulbs???

LTS, are you feeling better?

Penny, good luck with your car!

Catherine Jayne, I wish I had your energy!

So organized! A decluttered list of declutterers! (I'll be referring back to it often.) It reads a bit (in MY mind) like a horse race, except that I know we all come out in a dead heat, WINNING! "~)


My "chair pix" will be pix from IN the chair. The type I bypassed (was also on display/sale/used:

The type (not the brand) I have:

I used it tonight with great effect, zipping around the borders of the pancake supper. So comfy to sit at eye level to greet the many people who wanted a moment of closeness-- instead of standing, aware of sore feet and knees, looking down on people who teach ME. Saw and conversed with twice as many as usual, or more, and also got to check out the accessibility of the setup-- Yup, the menfolk doing the supper set up for folks with walkers and chairs purdy gude, except for a few funny tight spots in the worship space.... BUMP!

The other fun of the chair was the reactions to the cheery, non-embarrassed air I evinced among a group of folks chronically embarrassed to "need help." "Help!??" I said, "I'm having FUN!" None of them took me up on the offer of a free spin (yet), but I did tell them the keys are with Hardi, and I betcha there will be some surreptitious gallivants before long. "Oh I just wanted to see what our parish life is like from the chairbound view," uh huh! Whatev-- if they can USE it and not feel so BAD about having FUN, it's all good.

Main aisle of the sanctuary-- sacred worship space, very formal-- on HARE speed was FUN! Someone asked me, did Jesus ever laugh? Of course!!! Deep, rich belly laughs. I know. I heard that burbling sound coming from the Reserved Sacrament, even if it IS in a stone wall.

I b'lieve I heard giggles coming out of the Chapel along the one side aisle-- that's where the Columbarium is. :~) I have a few good friends in there, must stop by to chat. Power chair will not fit-- there's where the trubble will come along. I want the Columbarium totally accessible for families of the stashed. And I just joined that committee..... (oops, I did it again!) Hm, maybe it already IS accessible if I go around the one pew.... gotta check that out next.
