The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124344 Message #2841524
Posted By: Desert Dancer
16-Feb-10 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: 50 Great Voices-all genres- NPR
Subject: RE: 50 Great Voices-all genres- tell NPR who
They are not revealing the full list yet, but presenting one singer at a time, and as of last week, we're up to four:
1. Iggy Pop: "The Voice As Weapon" [he appears on the page for the series, but not in links at the bottom of the pages on the other artists]
2. Ahmad Zahir: "The Voice Of The Golden Years", a pop singer in 1970s Afghanistan
3. Mahalia Jackson: "Voice Of The Civil Rights Movement"
4. Maria Callas: "Voice Of Perfect Imperfection"
Stay tuned!
~ Becky in Tucson