The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2842620
Posted By: Sawzaw
17-Feb-10 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
"There is NO source of energy that does not ( eventually) end in heat pollution."

I agree. The bad pollution I was referring to is the toxic kind.

See where I said "The world is going to heat up anyway due to heat pollution. Energy=heat."

Unless you can capture heat and turn it into electricity at 100% efficiency there is going to be a net gain of heat.

KP: your math is beyond me so I will bow to your authority on that.

No matter where the heat ends up it is still heat. How much warming have we seen so far per year?

We had better be looking far ahead at the overarching problem of the ultimate heating of the earth from any sort of energy use.

LH: "I would like to see some honesty in our media" I would like to see some honesty from the UN, IPCC and politicians instead of scare tactics."

Amos: You need to get deprogrammed Pop. Here is a start