The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24666   Message #284286
Posted By: little john cameron
24-Aug-00 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: The GLESCA BIBLE

When Jesus heard that John had been pit in the jile,he went aff tae Galilee.From then oan he stertit his preachin,sayin,"Turn fae yer sins an turn tae God."

Noo wan day as Jesus wis takin a wee dauner alang the beach,he saw twa brithers,Smon Peter an Andy,castin their net intae the watter."C'mon wi me,"Jesus said tae them,"an ah'll teach ye-no tae catch fish,but tae catch men."Richt there an then,they left the fishin an went wi Jesus.

Awee bit further alang the beach,Jesus saw twa mair brithers,Jimmy an John,mendin their nets wi their faither(he that wis kent as Zebedee).Jesus caed oot tae the brithers,an at wance they left their faither an went alang wi Jesus.

Aw this time he went tae a place cawed Capernaum an stertit teachin oan the Sabbath day.The fowk wis bamboozled at the patter o the man,cos he spoke like wan that really kent the truth.He wisnae jist repeatin the relgious spiel o the day.

Noo there wis a man in the synagogue under the influence o some evil spirit.He stertit up his rantin an screamin at the tap o his voice,"Ye lee us alane !Whit've ye got tae dae wi us ,ye Nazerene!-hiv ye come tae kill us?-Oh,wait noo,ah ken who ye are.Ye're Gods Holy Wan!"

"Haud yer wheesht"Jesus ordered the spirit,"Come oot o the man an gie him peace"An the spirit threw the man tae the grun an went awa fae his body withoot dain ony mair herm.

Weel, the fowk were aw dumfoonert,as ye can imagine,an stertit askin"Whit kinna man is this?He jist gies orders tae the evil spirits an oot they come!"From then oan ,Jesus wis the talk o the steamie,so he wis.

An so, when the sun went doon that nicht,the people aw brocht their sick freens tae Jesus,an wi wan touch o his hauns-they were healed!.