The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2844001
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
19-Feb-10 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
To be fair, this is not about the Catholic church's failure to eradicate abuse, although that alone should be enough for them to keep their "Holier than thou" comments to themselves for a while. Mind you, a few hundred years ago, they forged a document that allowed them to rule parts of Italy but that's another story. Not to mention sanctioning the Spanish inquisition and profiting from the wholesale slaughter of what is now Latin America.

No, this is about a stance by a sovereign government to introduce a law that says everybody is equal and has the right to live in a meritocracy, regardless of race, creed, colour or sex.

Not difficult, not a problem and not really necessary as employment equality is enshrined in other laws.

But, as ever, some clubs, mainly religions, want opt outs. Why? if a person is capable of being a cleaner, clerk, shop manager, carpenter, caretaker, manager whatever, and a job that fits their capabilities comes up, why should being a woman or a gay person make them ineligible to apply?

It is as simple as that. No buts, no ifs, just simply an unnecessary piece of legislation that describes common sense.

Clearly, the reaction from absurd men in pointy hats makes me realise we need it anyway. Typical of Harriet Harman and her incompetent cronies that the people it was aimed at have shown her to be a weak feeble idiot and she has created inequality with a bill to eradicate it.

I don't blame religious leaders for spewing out their hate and bigotry no more than I blame a puppy for shitting on the carpet, I blame politicians for bowing before them.