The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124239   Message #2844699
Posted By: Bill D
19-Feb-10 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: History of US radical religious right
Subject: RE: BS: History of US radical religious right
"All civil rights advances have come about as a result of Republicans. All of them. Even modern ones. "

Oh, my.... I don't even know how to approach such a distortion of history & facts. (As I said, it makes little difference what the name of the party was)

What's that rustling I hear? I think it's Lyndon Johnson thrashing in his grave!

Mr. infowars.... *I* spent several weeks in Mississippi in 1964, picketing and doing voter registration and being spit on by white citizens and harassed by white police. I guarantee you there were very few Republicans around! And there very few Republicans in the NAACP, COFO, SNCC or supporting reform.

In the deep South, it was hard to get ANY politicians to stand up for civil rights, as they took their life in their hands to do so, but real progress was always being led by Democrats... and no distorted opinion by a Young Republican is going to change the facts.