The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124239   Message #2844706
Posted By: Bill D
19-Feb-10 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: History of US radical religious right
Subject: RE: BS: History of US radical religious right
and..."....people who identify themselves as liberal and say that people should be "free" are in favor of MORE government than their conservative counterparts."

What has 'freedom' got to do with necessary government regulation? I see the current conservative concept of 'freedom' being that of no restraint of their ability to manipulate prices and control all the relevant power vectors of society.

"More government" is the only answer to **ABUSE** of power by business and corporate interests, aided by lobbyists and various religious pressure groups! It levels the playing field a bit.

Heck, I knew by the 8th grade in school what happens when greedy folks are not monitored and supervised. It's sad, but that's how it is. Let me know when YOUR side is willing to be fair and sane, and maybe I'll vote for a bit 'less' government.