The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2845089
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-Feb-10 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
I picked up some powdery dry dirt or mud on my heavy jacket in the snow last week, so I'm going to run a load of dark stuff on delicate. This is the kind of laundry where comforters, lap quilts, other bulky delicate stuff that hasn't been washed in quite a while can go through, so I'll go poke around and see what is there that I haven't laundered in ages.

Evaluation went fine, partly because the print documents that are such a struggle to produce on a time schedule (because we turn over our text and photos to another office to design) are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. I had been producing online newsletters a lot more and I think last year my boss had a couple of "aha!" moments when the design process slowed even more with new management in that other office. So I came out ahead, with my web design being a good representation of being caught up with information promotion. The print documents we do still produce I have been designing, saving a lot of time. I'll also see if I can find some training this year. I used to take local classes every year, and have gotten out of the habit, mostly because the local classes were beginner level and I need to find mid or more advanced user courses.

So, overall, it was pretty good!

My phones have been converted to cable, and it's wonderful to not hear a roar over the voices now. I have to pull cable for two more rooms and I'm finished with that job. I did the kitchen phone yesterday before the cable tech arrived, and he was pleased that he didn't have to climb any ladders or pull any cable. He hooked a modem up to the cable connection in my closet and wired it to the expansion board where my phones are hooked up, and that was it.

I'm going to see about turning that same closet into more of a media space and store some of the things in there that you keep but don't use often. Like the boxes software comes in. Even flattened, they take up space, but every time you buy a new program, you can use something off of the old box to get a rebate, so it pays to keep them.

Kat, how are you feeling? Is Morgan coming over? Michelle, you're going through a really complex process right now and as long as you feel good you're very lucky, but you may hit a point where you're tired. Don't flog yourself about that if you hit it (no everyone does, so this isn't a prediction!), but however you're feeling, continue to pace yourself so you feel good about what you can do and DON'T OVERDO!!!

Liz, VT, Susan, how are the rest of you? Maeve, are you setting up spring planting materials? MaryAnn, what are you up to? Who else is cleaning, building, moving, rearranging, etc?