The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2845420
Posted By: katlaughing
20-Feb-10 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Finally, I have some decluttering to report! I've been stacking bills, mail, and papers needing to be filled out for weeks now. All over my dining room desk. It's too small for it all, so it was spilling all over the place.

Today, I knew I had to address it in order to pay bills o Monday, so I went through it ALL, got it all organised as well as space will allow and am almost finished filling out the papers. They were for the hospital to ask for a discount/aid on the bills for various things. They are so invasive. I cannot believe all of the info they want and so personal, which they keep on file. And, they make you do it every six months. Ah, well, the other hospital gives us 35% off, so it helps. So, Monday I will bills done, finish the hosp. papers and get them sent out. I will also be sending out a book someone ordered from

In the meantime, to keep from having to do all of that, again, I ordered THIS with free shipping to the local store. I dn't like patronizing them, but after looking at what other stores had, it was the best one for the price. It will take the place of a tv tray I have stuff on right now, behind me. I can keep current files out here instead of stuffed in the 4-drawer file cabinet in the old office and keep other paraphernalia off my desk in the little baskets.

Yes, I had Morgan on Wed. and Thurs. Puir kid...I was so tired and sleepy, he kind of took charge. We played Monopoly and a couple of games online. He brushed my hair and told me it looked like its "old self" again...lots better. He even put up the sides with combs. He's so kind and loving. He kept putting his hand on my shoulder and gave me a "massage." At one point I told him I was going to the bathroom. He said, "Oh, sure, no problem. Take your time. It's okay, Mama."LOL He has been quite helpful and loving this week.

Otherwise, it has been a long and tiring week, but I made it. Have not had enough sleep for three nights, now. Tonight will be better. I will be going off of the zoloft and xanax over the next few weeks, using biofeedback and therapy instead and I am well pleased about it. The side effects are too much!

Thanks for asking, Maggie. You are a wonder!