The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2845517
Posted By: LilyFestre
20-Feb-10 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestreUPDATE*CA*Seeking Chemo Starts Slaying!

   I hear you about not wanting to read or watch tv or listen to any sounds but just lying in misery wondering when it's going to end. That was my day today. My bones hurt everywhere. I can't even begin to stress that enough.

    My mom stopped by, called from the top of the hill and said she had some goodies for me. Pete went out to meet her at her car (there was no way I could do that walk today) and she had flowers,a balloon, 2 cups of ice cream from McD's (which I really like and shared with my honey), vanilla pudding and 6, yes, SIX bags of frozen seems to be what I am living on these days. It's a a fairly long drive for her to get over here and clearly out of the way. She is so incredibly thoughtful!!!!

    I finally got to take the percocet and I don't think it kicked in until the second dose but then I did get some sleep and when I woke up, I just layed in my bed thanking God for some relief. :)

    Now that's worn down and I just took some more (after buffering my belly with more mango) in hopes that I will be able to sleep or at least be pain free in bed tonight.
