The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126974   Message #2845519
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-Feb-10 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
Subject: RE: BS: Healthy Feb-2010 Declutter & Fitness
I made a quick trip to the thrift store this evening and found a few knit tops in other colors than the ones I usually wear. It was time for something different. I also found a couple of nice fitting pairs of jeans, blue and black. And a couple of cardigans and the whole lot was $32. Hard to beat it!

I set up the sewing machine and am going to do some mending then run those dark things (including the jacket) through the wash. I have a couple of really heavy beach towels that the dogs pulled a couple of holes in last month when they slept in the bathroom a few nights. A heavy duty zigzag stitch ought to do the trick.