The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126930   Message #2846037
Posted By: Ptarmigan
21-Feb-10 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: Songs you shouldn't sing in UK folk club
Subject: RE: Songs you shouldn't sing in UK folk club
Aye Jim, they have the same dichotomy in Scotland, where half the population see the likes of Robert the Bruce & William Wallace as some kind of folk heroes & legendary freedom fighters while the other half believe that they were more likely, nothing more or less than just bloodthirsty terrorists!

Up here in Norn Iron, we occasionally still get buck eejits coming into our Pub sessions, who think that just because we are sitting playing diddly diddly music that we must all be card carrying Nationalists or worse, so feel it's OK for them to, without a by-your-leave, launch into some bloody old Rebel Song, not giving a damn of course, who they may be offending or upsetting in the process!
Needless to say, they rarely get past the end of the first line, before they are very quickly shown the error of their ways!

One of the worst cases of that utter nonsense, was when a Loyalist group up here announced that Pub Sessions were legitimate targets, because {they assumed} that all the participants would of course be Catholic Nationalist IRA sympathisers!

Thankfully sensible folks in the know, like Derek Bell, were very quick to point out that at that time around 40% of the musicians in any Pub Session in the likes of Belfast was actually Protestant & that of course politics had absolutely nothing to do with traditional music & had no place where it was played.

It would be funny, if it wasn't so sad!