The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127532   Message #2846152
Posted By: Alan Day
21-Feb-10 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: mummers in larkrise
Subject: RE: mummers in larkrise
I am with you Herga, it is about comfortable Sunday Evening pastime, it was not listed as a documentary, so therefore a bit of imagination has been used. It did however introduce a very large number of viewers
to watching a Mummers play inaccurate as it may have been. How many of you can get so worked up over a bit of light entertainment beats me, to sit there watching a programme with the express purpose of picking holes it it, I just cannot understand. Herga and I will watch it , notice a few (or even a number of inaccuracies )and it will not spoil our evening at all. If I see a TV in the cottage or a gas fire it may cause a few laughs. I might even write to Herga to see if she noticed it.