The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127548   Message #2846635
Posted By: Penny S.
22-Feb-10 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Mysterious device in kitchen drawer
Subject: Tech: Mysterious device in kitchen drawer
Turning out my Dad's house, I came across an odd gadget in the kitchen drawer. It is obviously for dealing with a range of round things, from 3mm to 10mm in diameter, but what I do not know. It seems a bit too complicated for scraping oven shelves or barbecue grills, which is all my imagination can come up with.

This tool has a plastic handle, with a steel rod, as if it were
going to be a screwdriver. The rod is bent about two thirds of the
way along, through an angle of about 45 degrees. The end is flattened, and to it is fixed an octagonal disc, with a knurled knob on a screw, which goes through the centre of the disc. The edges of the disc have each been indented with a semicircle, varying in diameter from 3mm to 10mm. There is a set of off centre holes on each side of the disc, which engage with a small protrusion from the flattened rod to hold the disc firm. The disc can obviously be rotated to eight different positions.

Does this ring any bells?
